Counseling & Career Services

Supporting the Whole Student

Our Counseling and Career Services Department works with students on personal, social, and academic concerns

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We have two full-time counselors; one who works with our 9th & 10th grade students and one who works with our 11th & 12th grade students. We also employ one full-time social worker for all students. Our goal is to come to know each of our students in order to assist them in making their high school years as positive and successful as possible.

Counselors meet with students individually and in small group seminar classes. 

Seminar classes are provided at each grade level. Topics include:

  • Freshmen: Transitioning to high school, starting a high school resume, preliminary career searches and well-being.
  • Sophomores: All students take a career assessment, explore career choices and well-being.
  • Juniors: Beginning the college search, college visit and the college application process.
  • Seniors: Continuing the college search and application process, interviewing and essay writing skills, financial aid and scholarship information and “what to expect in college.”

Career Center

Our Career Center is available to students during their free periods of study. Under the guidance of a full-time Career Center Coordinator, students work on researching majors, careers, and working on college applications.

Our students receive specialized assistance when it comes to obtaining scholarships. The Class of 2024 earned an average of $209,437 per student in scholarships to colleges and universities across the United States.

We also help students and their parents prepare for college by sponsoring events such as college essay writing workshops, college admissions panels, information nights for junior and senior parents, career speakers, college representative visits, college fairs, and more.

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