Profile of a Graduate

Nurturing Emotionally, Academically, & Spiritually

During her four years at Mount St. Mary Academy, a student will:

  • Explore and embrace her unique identity and voice: self-reflection, self-direction, self motivation
  • Display intellectual curiosity and a desire to challenge herself academically
  • Be resilient and adaptive in the face of challenge
  • Actively practice her faith and values; demonstrate a commitment to social justice and service to others
  • Welcome collaboration with others by applying creativity and utilizing innovation
  • Communicate effectively through speaking, writing, reasoning, and listening
  • Gather, research, evaluate, and organize reliable information
  • Exhibit technical competence, responsible digital citizenship, and media literacy
  • Lead with confidence, integrity, inclusivity, and respect
  • Root herself ethically, embrace diversity, and practice acceptance in the larger community

It is our mission to develop the whole person, guided by our Catholic tradition. Our graduates are young women dedicated to lifelong learning, moral integrity and service, and acceptance of others.

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