National Honor Society

Scholarship, Service, Leadership, & Character

Our chapter of the National Honor Society consists of students who excel in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character, while promoting and inspiring such behaviors in others. Candidates must have at least a 92.5% weighted average to be considered. The National Honor Society also consists of an Executive Committee, a self-nominated position voted on by the majority of the fellow members. These elected officers uphold the general purpose of the group and its formal bylaws.

NHS Bylaws

Article I: Name

Section 1.
The name of this organization will be the Mount St. Mary Academy National Honor Society.

Article II: The General Purpose of the GroupSection

Section 1.
The purpose of this organization is to recognize those students who excel in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character while promoting and inspiring such behaviors in others.

Article III: Powers

Section 1.
This chapter of NHS must meet and abide by the Constitution and policies set forth by the National Council.
Section 2.
The Faculty Council will consist of five voting faculty members appointed annually by the Principal. No Principal or Assistant Principal may be included on the council. The term of the Faculty Council is one year, but faculty members may be reappointed to consecutive terms. The Faculty Council will meet at least once per year, and the duties include: membership selection, disciplinary actions, and chapter procedures and policies.
Section 3.
The Principal will have the power to approve all activities and decisions of the council. Duties include: annually appointing a Faculty Council and a chapter advisor(s), as well as setting the appeals process for non-selection and dismissal.
Section 4.
The chapter advisor(s) is a non-voting sixth member of the Faculty Council and will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the chapter. The advisor acts as a liaison between all parties. The advisor should maintain all records on membership, history, activities, and financial transactions. Other duties include: review of membership eligibility and assisting chapter officers.
Section 5.
The executive committee consists of officers of the chapter and the chapter advisor(s). SEE DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE MEMBERS.

Article IV: Membership

Section 1.
Selection is based on the review of candidate forms and is the decision of the Faculty Council. Students must have an overall weighted average of 92.5% and must excel in the areas of leadership, service, and character.
Section 2.
Candidates become members after they have been inducted at a special ceremony. Students who transfer from another school and bring a letter from the former principal or chapter advisor to the new chapter advisor will be accepted automatically.
Section 3.
Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership.

Article V: Selection Procedure of Members

Section 1.
Sophomore candidates are first selected based on their overall weighted average for 3 semesters. Junior candidates are selected based on their overall weighted average for 5 semesters. Senior candidates are selected based on their overall weighted average for 7 semesters. All candidates must have a 92.5% weighted average or higher to be considered. A transfer student must be in attendance for at least 1 semester to be eligible.
Section 2.
Candidates receive notification of their eligibility, and they then attend a mandatory meeting with a parent/guardian. At this time they will complete the candidate forms and write an essay.
Section 3.
The selection of members to the chapter will be by majority vote of the Faculty Council.
Section 4.
When making the selection of members, the Faculty Council will consider if the student excels in the areas of service, leadership, and character. In order to excel in service, she must demonstrate service to the Mount St. Mary community, in addition to the greater Western New York, national, or global community. The Faculty Council will be looking for hours completed in service outside of the candidate’s family and/or parish.
Section 5.
In order to excel in leadership, the candidate must demonstrate leadership skills by organizing or spearheading an event within a club, group, or organization. Holding an elected or selected position will not fulfill the leadership requirement for selection to National Honor Society.
Section 6.
Non-selection of Candidates: To appeal non-selection, a candidate must first address the chapter advisor(s) regarding reasons for declination; then, she must provide the chapter advisor (s) with a written request for an appeal. The Faculty Council will reconvene and reconsider the candidate’s application, but an over-turning of the original decision will only occur if there was a violation of proper selection procedure. The Principal hears all final appeals, and she consults with the Faculty Council. The Principal’s decision regarding selection is final.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1.
There will be regular meetings, which all members are expected to attend.
Section 2.
There will be at least 1 meeting per month. Special meetings may be called at any time by the executive committee or chapter advisor(s).

Article VII: Duties and Responsibilities of Members

Section 1.
Members must attend all regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 2.
Members must participate in all NHS group service projects and additionally work at Open House, the Chrysalis Auction, and two additional events at Mount St. Mary.. If called upon, she must tutor other students in the Academic Learning Center.
Section 3.
Each individual member must engage in a service project that reflects her particular interests or talents. A record of her service must be verified, and she must have this service project approved by the chapter advisor(s).
Section 4.
Each member must uphold a level of character that is outlined in the Student Handbook Code of Conduct and demonstrates respect for herself and for others.

Article VIII: Additional Procedures

Section 1.
Election of Officers: Each member of the executive committee (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) must be self-nominated and voted into the position by the majority of members.
Section 2.
Dismissal of Members: Members who fall below the standards, which were the basis for selection, will be promptly warned in writing and given time to correct the deficiency. The student and parent will need to sign the warning to acknowledge the deficiency and commit to correcting it. Should the deficiency not be corrected in a timely manner as detailed in the written warning, dismissal from NHS may occur. Dismissal is determined by the majority vote of the Faculty Council. The dismissed member has a right to appear before the Faculty Council and may appeal the dismissal to the Principal. The Principal’s decision is final. In the case of any major violation of school rules or civil laws, a member may be dismissed without first receiving a warning. The following behaviors/actions will lead to disciplinary warning and possible dismissal: Failure to attend and/or participate in member meetings, Chrysalis, and/or other National Honor Society activities, including the group service projects. Failure to report to the Academic Learning Center for assigned tutoring appointments. Being on academic probation. Flagrant and/or repeated violation of the Student Code of Conduct Multiple violations of the behaviors/actions stated in the bullet points above.

Article IX: Procedures for Ratification of Bylaws

Section 1.
Any adjustments, changes, or additions to the bylaws may be made with the majority vote of the Faculty Council.
Section 2.
These changes must be made available to students, faculty, and parents.
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